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TruServeClient is part of TruAI SDK so you will be able to customize an endpoint through this module of Python SDK.
This guide will show you how to import, configure and use Tru AI Serve Module to get, create and update a custom endpoint on Tru AI Platform.


To start using TruServeClient module you first need to import the package

from gjirafatech.truai.serve import TruServeClient, InstanceType

After importing the package you have to initialize an object of the TruServeClient class.

serve = TruServeClient()

Instance Type

Instance Type is an enum that defines types of instances used to create the endpoint.

Instance Type includes three options
1. Small #(1 vCPU, 2GB memory, 10GB storage)
2. Medium #(2 vCPU, 4GB memory, 20GB storage)
3. Large #(4 vCPU, 8GB memory, 40GB storage)


MethodDescriptionReturn type
getGet custom endpointCustomEndpoint
createCreate custom endpointbool
updateUpdate custom endpointbool